
191 blog

BBA Komárno wins the sixth tournament in the U15 category


BBA Komárno wins the sixth tournament in the U15 category

BBA Komárno wins the tournament in Trnava with a score of 5:0. They had the most work with the German team HAKRO Merlins Crailsheim, with whom the difference in score was only four points. For the other teams, the score difference in the matches with Komárno was double digits.

The home team from Trnava easily lost to HAKRO Merlins Crailsheim in Friday's program and subsequently "caught the later silver medalists from Teplice". In the second match of the tournament, BC Swiss Krono Žary , a regular participant of CEYBL tournaments in several categories, first lost to Komárno, and then improved their appetite in the last match of the day with a win over SKF Jura Basket Zabierzów . Teplice did not have their day on Friday, first a long struggle in the match with SKF Jura Basket Zabierzów , but ended with a win by eight points. In the second match of the day, the home team of Trnava won its only win in the tournament over them.

Saturday offered a completely different picture of the team from Teplice, first of all their spells were better than those of the magicians from Crailsheimu , probably even Harry Potter would envy them. In the second match, they take a win over the strong Polish team BC Swiss Krono Žary . The Trnava home team could not cope with either Žary or Komárno.

On Sunday, first the magicians did not manage their match with Žary, then Komárno dominantly confirmed their victory in the tournament over Teplice, to close the tournament with a duel between home team Trnava and Polish SKF Jura Basket Zabierzów . Slávia Trnava fought and for the whole match was closing in on the small lead of the Polish opponent, which was only two points before the fourth quarter, but in the end they did not manage to break the game in their favor.

Final standings of the tournament:

1. BBA Komárno (Slovakia)

2. BK Teplice (Czech Republic)

3. BC Swiss Krono Žary (Poland)

4. HAKRO Merlins Crailsheim (Germany)

5. SKF Jura Basket Zabierzów (Poland)

6. Slávia Trnava (Slovakia)

Individual awards went to the following players:


Michal Bohát ( BBA Komárno )

All-star team:

Petr Urban ( BK Teplice )

Alan Więckiewicz ( BC Swiss Krono Žary )

Linus Ohr ( HAKRO Merlins Crailsheim )

Patryk Poźniak ( SKF Jura Basket Zabierzów )

Juraj Čambál ( Slávia Trnava )

Top scorer of the tournament:

Tomáš Kroupa ( BK Teplice ) - 122 points (24.4 points per game)

On the website you will find all the results, including statistics, as well as a rich photo gallery.

Also visit the video section or our YouTube channel.

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5.12.2024 13.12.2022
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Author: Jiří Pavýza (cs)
192 blog

SKM Zastal Zielona Góra wins the U14 home tournament


SKM Zastal Zielona Góra wins the U14 home tournament

Zastal Ziolona Góra wins gold medals at the fifth stop of the U14 category tournaments. Winning the tournament was quite convincing and without a single hesitation.

Due to the demands of the teams, the tournament was drawn in a non-standard way, which apparently affected the results of some matches. BBLZ - Reach the Top team selection, which is based in the picturesque Austrian town of Klosterneuburg, first closed the match schedule on Friday, and then completed three matches on Saturday. At first glance, a very demanding program.

BBLZ thus lost to the Polish team AK Orly Wroclaw in the Friday program, then played a solid game with the Sršni Písek team, but even that was not enough to win. After a short sleep, he had the strength to beat BCM Olomouc , in other duels with SKM Zastal Zielona Góra a Thuringia Select Team they already lacked energy and lost them by a higher margin.

On Friday, a less interesting duel was offered between SKM Zastal Zielona Góra and Thuringia Select Team , which was a duel between the later gold and bronze medalists.

On Saturday, the Sršni Písek team pulled out their stingers in a duel with the home team SKM Zastal Zielona Góra . The Hornets were dangerous after 3/4 of the game and gave the home team a proper heat. In the last quarter, the home team Zastal apparently used a high-quality insect repellent spray :-) and defeated Srsně by a difference of seventeen points.

Sunday's program was calm, only Thuringia Select Team took their "foot off the gas" too much in the final passage of the match with BCM Olomouc and it almost cost them the victory.

Final standings of the tournament:

1. SKM Zastal Zielona Góra (Poland)

2. Sršni Písek (Czech Republic)

3. Thuringia Select Team (Germany)

4. AK Orly Wroclaw (Poland)

5. BBLZ - Reach the Top (Austria)

6. BCM Olomouc (Czech Republic)

Individual awards went to the following players:


Kacper Radczyc ( SKM Zastal Zielona Góra )

All-star team:

Jakub Šmíd ( Sršni Písek )

Oskar Döpel ( Thuringia Select Team )

Michal Bora ( AK Orly Wroclaw )

Benjamin Hissek ( BBLZ - Reach the Top )

Kryštof Kubík ( BCM Olomouc )

Top scorer of the tournament:

Oskar Döpel ( Thuringia Select Team ) - 108 points (21.6 points per game)

On the website you will find all the results, including statistics, as well as a rich photo gallery.

Also visit the video section or our YouTube channel.

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5.12.2024 13.12.2022
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Author: Jiří Pavýza (cs)
190 blog

UKS MOS Opole will win gold medals from the U15 tournament


UKS MOS Opole will win gold medals from the U15 tournament

The seventh continuation of the U15 tournament series took place in the Slovak city of Sereď. But we would look for Sereď in the results list in vain. The home team was replaced in the tournament by the BSC Bratislava team. The tournament was characterized by large differences in the performance of individual teams.

As already mentioned, the performance of individual teams in this tournament was very different. It could be divided into about three categories - the medalists (Opole, Olomouc and the Southern Vultures team from Prague's Petrovice), followed by the group of "fake home team" BSC Bratislava and Polish UKS Piatka Ostrów Wielkopolski . And the category itself was arranged by the German team Academy Potsdam.

There weren't many, just a few points, and in two-thirds of the matches of the entire tournament, a magical "hundred" would be scored. Most teams probably forgot to pack defensive activities in their backpacks for the trip. On the contrary, the offensive power, especially of the medalists, was above average. Spectators thus had the opportunity to watch a literal "cannonade" and beautiful offensive actions. We can only speculate how many wrinkles it put on the coaches' foreheads.

Only Sunday's program brought balanced matches. First, the BCM Olomouc team competed against UKS MOS Opole in the imaginary final of the tournament. The first half was a battle for every ball, every basket with a minimal difference in the score. The onslaught of the Polish team came in the third quarter. Here, the lead of the Polish team grew to a double-digit difference, which was decisive for the outcome of the match. The match between Jížní Supi and BSC Bratislava ended the tournament in Sereď more than decently. It was a fight for bronze medals. The first two quarters ended in a draw, in the third quarter it seemed that the Prague team Jížních Supů was escaping the "home" team BSC Bratislava in the score. The home team fought in the final act, but failed to win. Beautiful basketball battle.

Final standings of the tournament:

1. UKS MOS Opole (Poland)

2. BCM Olomouc (Czech Republic)

3. Jížní Supi (Czech Republic)

4. BSC Bratislava (Slovakia)

5. UKS Piatka Ostrów Wielkopolski (Poland)

6. Academy Potsdam (Germany)

Individual awards went to the following players:


Wiktor Olbiński ( UKS MOS Opole )

All-star team:

Filip Přikryl ( BCM Olomouc )

Max Lehocký ( Jížní Supi )

Kristián Fajčík ( BSC Bratislava )

Hubert Gacki ( UKS Piatka Ostrów Wielkopolski )

Prince Fuh ( Academy Potsdam )

Top scorer of the tournament:

Filip Přikryl ( BCM Olomouc ) - 105 points (21.0 points per game)

On the website you will find all the results, including statistics, as well as a rich photo gallery.

Also visit the video section or our YouTube channel.

translated by Google
4.12.2024 13.12.2022
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Author: Jiří Pavýza (cs)
189 blog

AK Orly Wroclaw won the U12 tournament in Olomouc


AK Orly Wroclaw won the U12 tournament in Olomouc

Orly Wroclaw wins the third U12 tournament. The team from the Polish city of Wroclaw showed consistent performances in all their matches and deservedly took the gold medals. The key to success was a win over the BC Swiss Krono Žary team, which was undefeated this season until this tournament. Finally, we mysteriously mention Thomas Kelati "in da house" - more in the article :-)

Friday's program offered several interesting matches. The home team BCM Olomouc , first lost smoothly to the German team from Potsdam, to produce their best performance of the tournament in their second match, where they kept pace with the eventual tournament winner AK Orly Wroclaw for a long time. A tight and emotionally tense battle took place between Basket 4kids Zielona Góra and Academy Potsdam , which was eventually won by the German team. Next to the party of medalists BC Swiss Krono Žary v pátečním programu potvrzují roli favorita a poráží jak polské družstvo 4kids, tak český týmBK VIVIDBOOKS Pardubice.

Sobotní program probíhal nejprve poklidně, s odstupem času by se dalo říci, že to byl pověstný "klid před bouří". Nejprve se o první místo v turnaji v polském derby utkávají Žary a Wroclaw. Žarům se povedla první a třetí čtvrtina, které vždy končí jednocifernou převahou v jejich prospěch, naopak Wroclaw tahá za delší konec provazu ve čtvrtině druhé a hlavně čtvrté, která jím zajistila vítězství v zápase, tak i turnaji. Souboj krásný a korektní.

EMOCE! A opět toto slovo a chování ovládlo poslední utkání dne mezi domácím týmem a polským 4kids. Rozhodčí utkání měli plno práce krotit emoce polského týmu. Padlo i několik technických chyb, utkání bylo přerušeno a polský tým ho chtěl dokonce opustit. Nakonec se však utkání dohrálo a díky frustraci hráčů a trenérů polského týmu a naopak nadšení a pokoře domácího týmu zlomilo ve prospěch BCM Olomouc.

Neděle nabídla drobné hazardování Žarů v utkání s Potsdamem. Žary nakonec roli favorita potvrzují, i když stav utkání v poločase byl téměř vyrovnaný. Wroclaw v utkání s 4kids dala vědět již v první čtvrtině, kdo bude v utkání pánem a vybudova si dvouciferný náskok, který pak konstantně navyšovala na konečný rozdíl dvacetidvou bodů. V závěrečném utkání domací tým poráží Beksu, která opouští turnaj bez výhry, leč její herní a sportovní projev vyvolal kladnou odezvu u ostatních týmů.

And finally a lot of positive emotions and vibes : Thomas Kelati "in da house"

Thomas Kelati is a former professional basketball player who spent his career with, for example, the legendary Los Angeles Lakers. In Europe, he is decorated with engagements in the Eurolegaue in Laboral Kutxa , Unicaja Málaga, Valencia Basket Club and finally finished his career in the Polish team Stelmet Zielona Góra.

He went to the tournament to watch the performances of his son, who joined the BC Swiss Krono Žary team, and he certainly made him happy, as his performances earned him inclusion in the All-star team of the tournament.

Finally, he willingly gave us a short interview, which is available on social networks.

Instagram: Thomas Kelati - interview

Final standings of the tournament:

1. AK Orly Wroclaw (Poland)

2. BC Swiss Krono Žary (Poland)

3. Academy Potsdam (Czech Republic)

4. Basket 4kids Zielona Góra (Polsko )

5. BCM Olomouc (Czech Republic)

6. BK VIVIDBOOKS Pardubice (Czech Republic)

Individual awards went to the following players:


Jędrzej Rajewicz ( AK Orly Wroclaw )

All-star team:

Natan Kelati ( BC Swiss Krono Žary )

Egon Engelien ( Academy Potsdam )

Ignacy Czujko ( Basket 4kids Zielona Góra )

Jiří Kacálek ( BCM Olomouc )

Josef Doležal ( BK VIVIDBOOKS Pardubice )

Top scorer of the tournament:

 Egon Engelien ( Academy Potsdam ) - 104 points (20.8 points per game)

On the website you will find all the results, including statistics, as well as a rich photo gallery.

Also visit the video section or our YouTube channel.

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3.12.2024 13.12.2022
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Author: Jiří Pavýza (cs)
188 blog

WKK dominated the U14 tournament in Ostrava


WKK dominated the U14 tournament in Ostrava

A very high-quality tournament took place in Ostrava. As many as four teams could think about overall victory in the tournament. The WKK Wroclaw team demonstrated the highest quality and deservedly took gold medals from the fourth U14 tournament.

The tournament started with a match between the home team Academy NH Ostrava and SCC Ploskyriv of Ukraine. This match seemed to indicate what fights we can expect in the entire program of the tournament. The home team, which is one of the best that our republic has to offer, encountered tough resistance from the Ukrainian team. The Ostrava team experienced something that does not happen to them very often in the domestic competition, namely a loss by 12 points. The later winner of the WKK Wroclaw tournament first comfortably dealt with the Lublinianka, then confirmed their quality when they also defeated the Ukrainian SCC Ploskyriv by a higher margin.

Another team that could have medal ambitions came to the tournament from nearby Opava. On Friday, Opava had a quiet schedule, first defeating Handlova by more than thirty points, then closing the program of the day with an even bigger win over Lublinianka KUL Basketball . However, Saturday's schedule dulled their ambitions as they lose to both WKK and SCC Ploskyriv by a higher point difference. On Saturday, there was also a match in which a single basket decided the result, between Handlova and Lublinianka. Slovak Handlová was happy about the win, but the only one in the tournament.

On Sunday, the favorites already confirmed their medal positions with clear results.

Final standings of the tournament:

1. WKK Wroclaw (Poland)

2. SCC Ploskyriv (Ukraine)

3. Academy NH Ostrava (Czech Republic)

4. BK Opava (Czech Republic)

5. ŠBK Handlová (Slovakia)

6. Lublinianka KUL Basketball (Poland)

Individual awards went to the following players:


Tymon Delezynski ( WKK Wroclaw )

All-star team:

Artem Tomak ( SCC Ploskyriv )

Vojtěch Zvolánek ( Academy NH Ostrava )

Matěj Špinler ( BK Opava )

Lukáš Kúdela ( ŠBK Handlová )

Szymon Król ( Lublinianka KUL Basketball )

Top scorer of the tournament:

Artem Tomak ( SCC Ploskyriv ) - 126 points (25.2 points per game)

On the website you will find all the results, including statistics, as well as a rich photo gallery.

Also visit the video section or our YouTube channel.

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27.11.2024 13.12.2022
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Author: Jiří Pavýza (cs)
187 blog

Lokomotiv Pilsen dominant at the U13 tournament


Lokomotiv Pilsen dominant at the U13 tournament

Locomotive Plzeň has a steam locomotive in its logo, but it traveled through the tournament at the speed of the legendary French TGV train. So he wins gold medals at the fifth tournament of the U13 category in the picturesque Polish city of Krakow.

The Friday program of the tournament did not offer very surprising or balanced results. The later winner of the tournament, BK Lokomotiva Plzeň porazil oba domácí výběry více jak dvacetibodovým rozdílem. Domácí výběr Korona Krakow 2011 nahradil tým z Handlové, kterému neumožnil start na turnaji špatný zdravotní stav většího počtu hráčů. Asi jediný zápas, který páteční poklid narušil se odehrál mezi Basketpoint Frýdek-Místek a BA Young Diamonds. Basketpoint do utkání vstoupil razantně a vybudoval si hned v první čtvrtině dvouciferný náskok. Hráči Young Diamonds nic nevzdávají a celé utkání se snaží utkání obrátit výsledek ve svůj prospěch, což se jim nakonec ale nepodaří.

On Saturday, the most heard was about the "miners" from Walbrzychu , who first fought bravely against the team from Pilsen in the first morning game, but in the end lost it by a large margin. Subsequently, in the euphoric end of their second game today, the "buzzer beater" decided to win by a single point over the home team Krakow 2011. The match between the home team Krakow and Young Diamonds also brought a close match. The Czech team again had a bad start to the first quarter and lost it by a double-digit difference (which happened to them in all the matches in the tournament). Subsequently, he knocked himself out of the direct and fought bravely until the end of the match, but again it was not enough to win.

Sunday's program offered a competitive match for second place in the tournament between Górnik Airteam Walbrzych and Basketpoint Frýdek-Místek , which sounded better for the Polish team. Basketpoint still received credit from other teams' coaches for their play and commitment in the tournament. Plzeň confirmed their victory in the tournament in the match against BA Young Diamonds.

Final standings of the tournament:

1. BK Lokomotiva Plzeň (Czech Republic)

2. Górnik Airteam Walbrzych (Poland)

3. Basketpoint Frýdek-Místek (Czech Republic)

4. Korona 1919 Krakow 2011 (Poland)

5. Korona 1919 Krakow (Poland)

6. BA Young Diamonds (Czech Republic)

Individual awards went to the following players:


Jonáš Blacký ( BK Lokomotiva Plzeň )

All-star team:

Filip Radzki ( Górnik Airteam Walbrzych )

Petr Chlebek ( Basketpoint Frýdek-Místek )

Antoni Jawor ( Korona 1919 Krakow 2011 )

Aleksander Rychlicki ( Korona 1919 Krakow )

Adam Brýdl ( BA Young Diamonds )

Top scorer of the tournament:

Aleksander Jechna ( Górnik Airteam Walbrzych ) - 88 points (14.7 points per game)

On the website you will find all the results, including statistics, as well as a rich photo gallery.

Also visit the video section or our YouTube channel.

translated by Google
25.11.2024 13.12.2022
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Author: Jiří Pavýza (cs)
185 blog

WKK the winner of the U13 domestic tournament


WKK the winner of the U13 domestic tournament

WKK went through the fourth tournament of the U13 category like a knife through butter. They beat all their opponents by double digits.

On Friday, WKK dealt with the German team from Münsteru and the wolves from Žďár nad Sázavou with a difference of more than twenty points. For the future winner of the tournament, an ideal match to play out the entire rotation of players. The match between the German team from Münsteru and the falcons from Dubča brought about a balanced match, where neither team reached the goal of fifty scored points, so depending on the point of view, we can talk about great defenses or the impotence of the scorers. The second balanced match offered a Czech-Slovak duel between the warriors from Děčín and the biosaurs from Komárno, which ended up being better for the team from northern Bohemia.

Even the wolves from Žďár nad Sázavou did not come to sell their skins cheaply. They didn't do well on Friday and it resulted in heavy losses against home team WKK and Děčín. On Saturday and Sunday, the wolves sharpened their teeth better and properly bit the teams from Komárno, Münsteru and Dubče, unfortunately for them they did not manage to win in either case.

On Sunday, Komárno lost its bronze medal match with UBC Münster by eleven points. Sokol Dubeč goes home with a good feeling, because in the last game they beat the wolves from Žďár. And finally, in the imaginary final, WKK wins with a start-finish style over the warriors from Děčín with a difference of more than twenty points.

Final standings of the tournament:

1. WKK Wroclaw (Poland)

2. Válečníci Děčín (Czech Republic)

3. UBC Münster (Germany)

4. BBA Komárno (Slovakia)

5. Sokol Dubeč (Czech Republic)

6. Vlci Žďár nad Sázavou (Czech Republic)

Individual awards went to the following players:


Aron Ochońko ( WKK Wroclaw )

All-star team:

Patrik Švarc ( Válečníci Děčín )

Alexander Vogel ( UBC Münster )

Blažej Slugeň ( BBA Komárno )

Kryštof Drozd ( Sokol Dubeč )

Vojtěch Šafránek ( Vlci Žďár nad Sázavou )

Top scorer of the tournament:

Blažej Slugeň ( BBA Komárno ) - 115 points (23.0 points per game)

On the website you will find all the results, including statistics, as well as a rich photo gallery.

Also visit the video section or our YouTube channel.

translated by Google
19.11.2024 13.12.2022
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Author: Jiří Pavýza (cs)
184 blog

Beksa dares to triumph from the fifth tournament of the U15 category


Beksa dares to triumph from the fifth tournament of the U15 category

Although Beksa ends the tournament with a 5-0 match record, her road to triumph in Brandýs nad Labem was not entirely easy.

Friday's program started with a match between the home team from Brandýs nad Labem and Pardubická Beksa, which, as it turned out later, was a battle between future medalists. Brandýs entered the match fearlessly, keeping pace with Beksa for three quarters, but in the last quarter Beksa's physical superiority was already evident, winning by a difference of nineteen points. Another interesting match took place between MBK Karlovka Bratislava and home team Brandýs, where Karlovka fought hard, but every time they got within range, they made some mistakes and Brandýs won by three points in a dramatic ending. Górnik Airteam Walbrzych finished the tournament with a 0:5 record, but they were certainly not an opponent that did not belong in this tournament. On Friday, in the Polish derby, Basket 4kids Zielona Góra, only to lose by seven points, after which on Sunday "they had a tired home Brandýs on their backs" and only lost by a difference of three points thanks to an unmanageable finish. He thus played completely balanced games with later medalists.

On Saturday, the home team from Brandýs nad Labem again played the main role. Brandýs first gambled in a match against another Polish team AK Stal Ostrów Wielkopolski , when the score difference was single digits for most of the match, but eventually bounced back to fourteen points in the last quarter. A real drama took place during the battle with the team Basket 4kids Zielona Góra , when the heated emotions could be observed both on the field, between parents, coaches and in relation to the refereeing of the match. Brandýs eventually wins with a difference of twelve points. However, we wish for such emotions to be as few as possible in CEYBL tournaments and will make every effort to eliminate such behavior.

On Sunday, Karlovka comfortably dealt with AK Stal. Beksa underestimated Basket 4kids in the first half and struggled with it properly in the third quarter, only to switch to a higher gear in the fourth quarter and finally take the win "class difference" by thirty points. I already mentioned the final match of the tournament between Brandýs and Walbrzych in the beginning of the article.

Final standings of the tournament:

1. BK VIVIDBOOKS Pardubice (Czech Republic)

2. BK Brandýs nad Labem (Czech Republic)

3. Basket 4kids Zielona Góra (Poland)

4. MBK Karlovka Bratislava (Slovakia)

5. AK Stal Ostrów Wielkopolski (Poland)

6. Górnik Airteam Walbrzych (Poland)

Individual awards went to the following players:


Dominik Hodek ( BK VIVIDBOOKS Pardubice )

All-star team:

Jonáš Radek Šnábl ( BK Brandýs nad Labem )

Oliwier Rajewicz ( Basket 4kids Zielona Góra )

Leo Štefanovský ( MBK Karlovka Bratislava )

Mateusz Florczak ( AK Stal Ostrów Wielkopolski )

Julian Popiel ( Górnik Airteam Walbrzych )

Top scorer of the tournament:

Dominik Hodek ( BK VIVIDBOOKS Pardubice ) - 134 points (26.8 points per match)

On the website you will find all the results, including statistics, as well as a rich photo gallery.

Also visit the video section or our YouTube channel.

translated by Google
18.11.2024 13.12.2022
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Author: Jiří Pavýza (cs)
183 blog

Inter Bratislava is the winner of the second tournament in the U12 category


Inter Bratislava is the winner of the second tournament in the U12 category

A smooth path to victory in the tournament for BK Inter Bratislava. None of the participating teams could find a recipe for the game of Slovak Inter. The teams thus lose by a difference of more than thirty points, except for the AK Orly team, which, thanks to a missed finish by Inter, loses by a difference of sixteen points.

Friday's match program took place in a calm spirit with clear differences in the results of individual matches. The only team that wanted to disturb this peace came to the tournament from Písek. The hornet swarm first sharpened its stings against AK Orly Wroclaw , where in the end it was not successful and lost by a difference of twelve "stings", only to be properly stung by another Polish team from Zieloná Góra by fourteen "stings".

Saturday's program took place in a similar spirit to Friday's program, and future medalists BK Inter Bratislava, AK Orly Wroclaw, Sršni Písek won their matches by comfortable margins. The home team AK Stal Ostrów Wielkopolski showed an effort to turn things around in the match against Písek, where the half-time score gave them hope of a decent result, but in the end they could not get the desired win. A similar situation took place in the match between AK Orly Wroclaw and SKM Zastal Zielona Góra , where the latter team lost only five points before the last quarter, but could not find the strength to turn it around.

Sunday's program only confirmed the event, when Inter duly blunted the stings of Písek. Wroclaw had no mercy with Beksa and handed her a loss of more than fifty points on the way to Pardubice. And in the end, the home team did not find a recipe for the game of another Polish team from Zieloná Góra and thus ends up in fifth place in the tournament.

Final standings of the tournament:

1. BK Inter Bratislava (Slovakia)

2. AK Orly Wroclaw (Poland)

3. Sršni Písek (Czech Republic)

4. SKM Zastal Zielona Góra (Poland)

5. AK Stal Ostrów Wielkopolski (Poland)

6. BK VIVIDBOOKS Pardubice (Czech Republic)

Individual awards went to the following players:


Shamal Bekterimov ( BK Inter Bratislava )

All-star team:

Jan Grudniewski ( AK Orly Wroclaw )

Denis Humpál ( Sršni Písek )

Oskar Kudłowski ( SKM Zastal Zielona Góra )

Samuel Fras ( AK Stal Ostrów Wielkopolski )

Jomáš Skřek ( BK VIVIDBOOKS Pardubice )

Top scorer of the tournament:

Adam Černok ( BK Inter Bratislava ) - 71 points (14.2 points per game)

On the website you will find all the results, including statistics, as well as a rich photo gallery.

Also visit the video section or our YouTube channel.

translated by Google
11.11.2024 13.12.2022
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Author: Jiří Pavýza (cs)
182 blog

Stargard dominated the U15 tournament


Stargard dominated the U15 tournament

A commanding performance at the tournament in Germany led PGE Spójnia Stargard to a smooth tournament win as the boys from Poland won most of their matches by a wide margin. Unfortunately, this tournament did not offer too many dramatic and balanced matches, but it was still good basketball to see.

The most balanced game with the eventual winner was played at the very beginning of the tournament by the players of Science City Jena , who were still in sight at halftime, but eventually fell by a difference of 27 points. After all, if this high win was the lowest win, it only speaks of the dominance of PGE Spójnia Stargard at this stop.

The second very dominant team in Potsdam was the Czech team BCM Olomouc , which also won its matches by a large margin. However, he did not manage the key duel for gold with Stargard at all and lost heavily 47:85.

The match for the bronze brought a rather dramatic spectacle, in which SKM Zastal Zielona Góra rejoiced in the end, beating their rival Freak City Bamberg by a difference of 7 points.

In the final battle between the two German teams, Science City Jena was victorious, pushing the host club Academy Potsdam to the last place without a single win.

Final standings of the tournament:

1. PGE Spójnia Stargard (Poland)

2. BCM Olomouc (Czech Republic)

3. SKM Zastal Zielona Góra (Poland)

4. Freak City Bamberg (Germany)

5. Science City Jena (Germany)

6. Academy Potsdam (Germany)

Individual awards went to the following players:


Alan Grudzinski ( PGE Spójnia Stargard )

All-star team:

Patryk Bohdziewicz ( PGE Spójnia Stargard )

Adam Weiser ( BCM Olomouc )

Wojtek Muniak ( SKM Zastal Zielona Góra )

Benja Kuranovic ( Freak City Bamberg )

Ben Macholdt ( Science City Jena )

Prince Fuh ( Academy Potsdam )

Top scorer of the tournament:

Felix Heinz ( BCM Olomouc ) - 97 points (24.3 points per game)

On the website you will find all the results, including statistics, as well as a rich photo gallery.

Also visit the video section or our YouTube channel.

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6.11.2024 13.12.2022
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Author: Jiří Pavýza (cs)
Slávia Trnava
NINERS Chemnitz Academy



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