

turnaj skupina id klub id standings team statistics games winnings losses score %
9 0 25 1 BA Grizzlies Plzeň 4 3 1 320:248 75.00
9 0 12 2 BBLZ - Reach the Top 4 3 1 311:259 75.00
9 0 10 3 WKK Wroclaw 4 3 1 306:264 75.00
9 0 6 4 Vienna D.C. Timberwolves 4 1 3 269:290 25.00
9 0 7 5 Mitteldeutsche Basketball Academy 4 0 4 155:300 0.00


tournament group group time home home guests guests score stat. video photo
9 0 Friday 12:30 10 WKK Wroclaw 7 Mitteldeutsche Basketball Academy 89:43 (25:7 40:24 72:36)
9 0 Friday 14:30 25 BA Grizzlies Plzeň 12 BBLZ - Reach the Top 82:89 (21:18 49:39 59:67)
9 0 Friday 17:30 10 WKK Wroclaw 6 Vienna D.C. Timberwolves 73:70 (20:24 37:39 54:55)
9 0 Friday 19:30 25 BA Grizzlies Plzeň 7 Mitteldeutsche Basketball Academy 65:29 (24:8 44:14 50:24)
9 0 Saturday 10:00 10 WKK Wroclaw 12 BBLZ - Reach the Top 78:66 (12:20 41:40 65:54)
9 0 Saturday 12:00 7 Mitteldeutsche Basketball Academy 6 Vienna D.C. Timberwolves 47:72 (12:22 30:33 38:55)
9 0 Saturday 16:00 10 WKK Wroclaw 25 BA Grizzlies Plzeň 66:85 (12:20 37:41 50:65)
9 0 Saturday 18:00 12 BBLZ - Reach the Top 6 Vienna D.C. Timberwolves 82:63 (22:17 44:21 59:44)
9 0 Sunday 09:00 6 Vienna D.C. Timberwolves 25 BA Grizzlies Plzeň 64:88 (21:30 33:52 51:67)
9 0 Sunday 11:00 12 BBLZ - Reach the Top 7 Mitteldeutsche Basketball Academy 74:36 (23:8 44:18 63:23)
Slávia Trnava
NINERS Chemnitz Academy
BC Swiss Krono Žary
BK Opava

I support the team:
BA Grizzlies Plzeň
BBLZ - Reach the Top
Mitteldeutscher Basketball Academy
Vienna D.C. Timberwolves
WKK Wroclaw



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unique today: nahravam
online: nahravam